All videos are copyright Stewart Dean
Imago Vitae
See the
camp video links below to find out what videos are available
While videos are (relatively) easy to take, producing a finished video
and putting it online is a lot of work (beyond what I usually do, which
is still photographs of the camps). Check the link for the videos for your camp below to find out where they are!
- If you can't play the videos directly
from the Flickr web page, it may be because you have a slow connection
to the internet. Try downloading the video, using step "C" in the instructions here. Then
play it after it's on your computer's hard drive.
- If
you have problems/issues/whatever with a video, please send me its ID
- For Flickr videos: Each Flickr image/video has an ID name. Go to the instructions here.
The second paragraph under Step C1 tells you how to get this ID name. I
must know this ID name in order to remove it or make you a copy or do
anything for you with that image/video.
- For YouTube videos, send me the URL web address.
- These
videos were taken of and for the Squeeze-In attendees without their
express permission. These videos may be used by them, but are not for general or commercial use!
- If you appear in a video and want it taken down, please contact