NorthEast Squeeze-In Videos

All videos are copyright Stewart Dean and Imago Vitae

See the camp video links below to find out what videos are available

While videos are (relatively) easy to take, producing a finished video and putting it online is a lot of work (beyond what I usually do, which is still photographs of the camps).  Check the link for the videos for your camp below to find out where they are!

2019 NESI Videos

All Saturday Concert videos are on YouTube and can be found there at the NorthEast Squeeze-In 2019 Playlist

All other non-concert vids, are on Flickr and can be seen at the end of the last page of the NESI 2019 Flickr album.  The whole album, mostly still photographs, is at this shortcut link:
These shorter videos start here and go to the right:

2018 NESI Videos

The longer (more than 3 minutes) videos taken at NESI (and the longer acts at the Saturday Concert) are on YouTube and can be found there at the NorthEast Squeeze-In 2018 Playlist
or this shortcut link:

All other, non-concert vids, were short enough to be hosted on Flickr and can be seen at the end of the last page of the NESI 2018 Flickr album.  The whole album, mostly still photographs, is at this shortcut link:
These shorter videos start here and go to the right:

2017 NESI Videos

The videos taken at the Saturday night Concert are all up on YouTube and can be found there at the NorthEast Squeeze-In 2017 ~ Saturday Night Concert YouTube Playlist or this shortcut

All other, non-concert vids, were short enough to be hosted on Flickr and can be seen at the end of the last page of the NESI 2017 Flickr album.  The whole album, mostly still photographs, is at:
These shorter videos start here and go to the right:

About videos....

I take high-quality 1080p HD video occasionally at NESI where it’s really necessary to capture the life & sound of a special time
Videos are easy to shoot, but a lot of work to edit/produceGetting videos sent to you or burned on a DVD
This extra service is available for a fee, as follows If you wish to get one of the longer videos through Dropbox, you will need a account (available free at

Either way for the longer videos, send me an email with your request.  Please include all necessary info:

You can pay through PayPal by going to or by sending me a check at:
Stewart Dean DBA Imago Vitae
300 Ulster Landing Road
Kingston, NY  12401
These videos are the original files without any editing, cuts or processing, amounting to 300MB/minute in size (and time length).  They were taken at 1080 HD (High Definition) and should play beautifully on your computer. 

Getting yourself in a video...some advice

Here's some things you might think of: